Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cycle Day 2/ Fertili Tea

I am feeling much better today, compared to yesterday! I got up and took my basal temp., and it was a slight bit lower compared to yesterday. I am loving the cooler temps this time of year, so I got out and took a walk this morning to take advantage of enjoying the beautiful weather! I have been trying to do some sort of exercise if not every day, at least every other day. I found out I ended up with tendonitis in my calves and feet, from doing the treadmill and bike. So I have been trying to get my workout done at the pool, to not put so much pressure on my joints. I am noticing a difference, but I am really missing my routine of working out in the gym. 

So I want to tell you that I normally do not drink tea or coffee. I just have never liked the taste of either one. I do like flavored drinks such as the pumpkin spice, but regular or coffee or tea..*YUCK!* 

I bought the Fertili Tea, because I read a lot of great reviews on it on the Fairhaven Health website. I have had it now for a few days, but wasn't too excited about drinking tea. I finally tried it this morning and I absolutely loved it!! It comes in a loose leaf form, so you will need to get a filter to put it in.

It contains the following fertility-enhancing ingredients:

Chasteberry (Vitex): Stimulates the hormones involved with ovulation and helps restore female hormonal imbalance.

 Red Raspberry Leaf: A potent fertility-promoting herb and slightly nutritive ingredient.

Green Tea: A powerful antioxidant to promote reproductive health.

Ladies Mantle: Helps regulate the monthly cycle and tone the cervix.

Nettle Leaf: Has vitamins and minerals that are critical for good reproductive health.

Peppermint Leaf: This is why I love it! It makes it taste really good!

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