Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 1 on FertileAid

So I want to start off by telling you that I have done a lot of research on the FertileAid products. They are an all natural supplement that naturally heals any problematic issues with trying to conceive. 

What we started off with was the FertileAid for Women, the FertileAid for Men. the Ovaboost, and the Fertile CM. Since I am over 30, I bought the Ovaboost because it is formulated to help older women who are TTC by healing the eggs they have left. A women is only given a certain number of eggs to last a lifetime, before she goes through menopause, so that is what this helps. I also bought the Fertile CM, because it is made to help the cervical mucus, which is important when it comes to trying to conceive. Most women with PCOS have a CM that tricks them into thinking certain days are fertile, and they really are not, which makes it really difficult for conception. 

I will also tell you that the products came really quickly! I ordered them on a Thursday, and had them by the following Monday! So now we are up to date. 

The day I started taking the FertileAid was the next day, Tuesday (today). I went and bought my Basal thermometer from the local drugstore. You can find those near the aisle where pregnancy tests are. What this does is it reads your body temperature first thing in the morning, but you don't start reading your basal temp until day one of your cycle. Well, guess what??? I started my period at the end of my first day on the FertileAid supplements!! YAY!! Now I can start tracking! :) 

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