Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Story of Why we started Fertile Aid

This blog is going to be based on our journey using the FertileAid products. I will start off by explaining what we have been through up to this point in our process of Trying to conceive (TTC). 

I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) back when I was in my 20s...I am now 41. My periods have always been sporadic, some months I would go without having a period at all, then the following month, my period would be really heavy. I went at one point years without a period. I knew when I married my husband, that we were going to most likely have a really hard time getting pregnant because of the PCOS. 

I have had epilepsy my entire life, being diagnosed with it at only 10 months of age. So being on seizure medications was another avenue to worry about, since many anti-seizure drugs can cause birth defects, and requires women on them to take extra folic acid. 

My husband and I started TTC probably 1 to 2 years into our marriage. We got married in June of 2005, and I had brain surgery for the seizures in January of 2006. Once I started feeling like I was well healed and ready to move on with my life from the surgery, we attempted to try to start a family. A couple years go by, and nothing is happening, and we have even gone to a fertility specialist.

The fertility doctor first off checked me because we knew I had PCOS. They ran a bunch of blood tests on me, and ran a test to check to make sure I had no fallopian tube blockage. Everything came back normal, except for the fact that I had cysts on my ovaries. I was put on Metformin, which I am still currently on, so I have been on Metformin now for 7 years. The Metformin, helped regulate my blood sugar, but it never really helped much with my menstrual cycles. They put me on Provera, which is a drug you take for a few days to start your period, then had my keep a calendar of my ovulation. Nothing was working correctly, I still wasn't ovulating right. 

The doctor then decided to try to put me on Clomid, but before trying the Clomid, they were going to have to check my husband's sperm count to make sure his count was high enough and had enough morphology to put me on the drug. When testing his sperm count three times, the sperm kept coming back lower and less morphology with every test. :( After all of this, the fertility doctor recommended my husband to go see a Urologist, because there was not much more he could do for us unless we were ready to try IVF.

I was really afraid to put thousands of dollars towards something that had no guarantee it would work. This lead us to the road to trying to adopt. 

So we started looking into adoption back in 2007, we went through a parenting class required to get either a foster license or the start of our adoption home study completed. After years of fighting and nerve racking annoyances, and still no child placed into our home, we are back to square 1 of trying to conceive on our own. 

This is where the FertileAid comes in...Oh how I wish I would have found this product a long time ago!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Pray that you and your husband were blessed with a wonderful bundle of blessing. I am going through the same situation but was hesitant to try Fertilaid... Let's see if it works?
