Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cycle Day 5

Today is Sunday, and Sundays are our lazy days around here, especially during football season. It's nice to have that one day a week where you just do nothing. This morning when I took my basal temp, it shot up almost an entire degree from yesterday morning. It read 97.05 degrees. I am thinking it is going to take a month of charting to figure out what my basal temp pattern is like, since everyone is different. 

I have been drinking my Fertility Tea religiously. I heat a bowl of distilled water in the microwave until it is boiling, then put the tea leaves in the infuser and let it set for about 5 minutes. I cannot drink hot tea, so what I have been doing is sticking my cup I use in the freezer and filling the cup with lots of ice. I then add a packet of the Stevia in the Raw sweetener to the drink. The tea is very tasty as I have stated earlier, and it is really supposed to help with regulating your fertile health. I think it would be good to drink around bedtime, because for some reason it tends to make me feel sleepy. 

So I spent a lot time outside on our back patio today. I LOVE this time of year here in Tampa. The weather is so mild, no humidity, and it is just beautiful! We have an awesome view too behind us! Here is a pic I took of behind our apartment, so you can see what I have looked at most of today!
It looks even prettier now, since we have had a lot of rain recently and the water level is higher. Anyway, Nothing else new to report for today. Write more tomorrow.

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